Homeopathic Stable Pharmacy For Horses: You Should Have These At Hand In The Barn

To ensure that you have the right homeopathic remedy to hand in an emergency and don't have to go to the pharmacy first, we present the five most important homeopathic remedies in a nutshell.

The Five Most Important Homeopathic Remedies

Aconitum: The Shock Agent

After an accident or a shock, horses are very restless and can panic - in such cases Aconitum has proven its worth. The remedy helps with the mental and physical consequences of a shock. The particular advantage of this is that the remedy can continue to have an effect long after the actual shock has passed.

Arnica: The Injury Agent

The homeopathic remedy Arnica is helpful for all injuries that are accompanied by bleeding. Areas of application are, for example, abrasions, bruises with hematomas or nailing.

Nux Vomica: The Digestive Agent

Convulsive colic or other symptoms of poisoning are not to be taken lightly. In an absolute emergency, you can administer Nux vomica. For example, if your horse has eaten spoiled food or poisonous plants, the remedy can bridge the gap until the vet arrives.

Rhus Toxicodendron: The Substance for Dislocations and Strains

Inflammations or dislocations cause horses great pain at the beginning of a movement. With slow and prolonged movement, the pain decreases, but returns with continued exertion. Rhus toxicodendron can help with painful inflammation of the joints that occurs after a dislocation or strain.

Argentum Nitricum: For Very Nervous and Stressed Horses

Horses become hectic very quickly when they sense a change. They can develop diarrhea, become shaky and anxious - this can occur before a competition or a test, for example. They react to stress with trembling, restlessness and anxiety. Argentum nitricum can help in such cases.

Homeopathy in Horses

You can easily treat minor injuries and complaints in your horse on your own. The remedies listed above are helpful for the sole or accompanying therapy of horses. Make sure that you only treat complaints yourself that you can assess correctly. Emergencies, serious and chronic illnesses should always be treated by a vet. Of course, homeopathic remedies can be used by the vet or the horse owner to accompany the treatment.

But where to put all the medicine now? Medication should always be stored in a secure and easily accessible place to prevent incorrect use by children, for example, and at the same time to store the medication properly and in an organized manner. Our First Aid Box is just what you need!